The development of Thunberg's Japanese Plants was made possible through generous grants of "Joint Research Project" from Vinnova, grant no. 2012-03109, to the Museum of Evolution, Uppsala University, Sweden, and from the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS), to the National Museum of Nature and Science, Tsukuba, Japan.
Shinji Fujii, Tomoko Fukuda, Shizuka Fuse, Masanobu Higuchi, Kentaro Hosaka, Hiroyuki Iketani, Teruo Katsuyama, Taiju Kitayama, Hidehisa Koba, Mikio Kobayashi, Hiroshige Koyama, Takahide Kurosawa, Yoshihito Ohmura and Hana Umemoto assisted with the identification of specimens.
Takuro Ito, Takayuki Mizuno, Yoshinori Murai, Ayumi Uehara, and Kaoru Yamamoto helped with scanning of specimens.