» Japanese 日本語

Specimen details

UPS-THUNB No.27203
Herbarium AcronymUPS
UPS catalogue No.F-118320
Organism groupFungi
Original nameMerulius betulinus β
Current nameLentinus thunbergii (Fr.) Sacc.
Present identification
(Japanese name)
Taxon statusnative to Japan
Identified byHosaka, K.
Identification dateJune 2015
Identification historyMerulius betulinus [b] These two specines are not conspecific with the collection included in the envelope which is apparently the type of Boletus agarioides Thunb (= Daedalea thunbergii Fr.) are related to Gloeophyllum trabeum (Pers. ex Fr) Murr.; they match the Japanese collection of G. trabeum I have seen in American herbaria. Basidiospora: 8.6-10.8 c 3-4 [micro], Baidia: and basidioles: collapsed, Cystidioter: few, fusiform, thin-walled, 13-18 x 3.5-4.5 [micro], Hymenial surface: poroid-dedeloid with 1-2 pers per mm at the margin. Many contaminant spores present. Uppsala, 1967. [Det.] M.E.P.K. Fidulgo
Locality (original)e Japonia
Locality (interpreted)Japan
Collector (original)Thunberg
Collector (interpreted)C.P. Thunberg
Notes on the upper sideBoletus agaricoides
Notes on the back side
Type statusoriginal material
BasionymBoletus agaricoides Thunb.
Nomenclatural notes
Typification reference
Reference of protologueFl. Jap. (Thunberg) 347 (1784)
Link to protologue[LINK]
Flora Japonica page347 (as Boletus agaricoides)


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UPS-THUNB 27203 (the back side)

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